Positioning Overhead Water Tanks: Vastu Do’s and Don’ts

Water tanks

According to the Vastu Shastra, water (Jal-Tatva) is considered an important element. It is one of the Panch Tatvas (five natural elements such as earth, space, fire, water & air) that give life to all creatures on the earth. Therefore, positioning the overhead water tank at the right location is significant. It can influence the energy and harmony of your living space. Generally, people do not pay attention towards the placement of their overhead water tanks which results in several negativities within their living spaces. To prevent your space from negative energies, opt for the reliable Vastu Consultation. By following Vastu guidelines, you can fill your home with positive energy, leading to a healthier & happier life. 

In this post, we will talk about what you should do or what you shouldn’t while positioning overhead water tanks as per Vastu principles. So, Stay connected with ‘Helping Coaach’

How Important is an Overhead Water Tank Placement in Vastu? 

Overhead water tanks are an important medium to store water in modern homes. Along with storage, the location of the overhead water tank is also crucial. If you place the water tank in the wrong position, it can affect the balance of elements as well as the energy flow within the house and lead to numerous issues like stress, financial problems & health issues. 

However, you do not need to bother until the best Vastu consultant is with you. Under their guidance, you can not only harness positive energy but also avoid potential negative impacts. So, paying attention to the position of the water tank is paramount. 

Do’s for Positioning Overhead Water Tanks

The following are the important things that you should do to position the overhead water tank at the right location in your home: 

Place in the Southwest Direction

According to the Vastu for water tank position, the Southwest direction is considered the most favourable for placing overhead water tanks. This direction is associated with the earth element, which represents stability and strength. So, placing the tank in this direction helps in maintaining stability and bringing prosperity to the household.

Use a Solid Base

Ensure that the tank is placed on a solid and stable base. This prevents any structural damage and makes sure that the tank’s weight does not cause any issues. A solid base also symbolises strength & stability, which are essential according to Vastu Shastra.

Use Proper Materials

Choose materials that are durable and non-reactive for the construction of the tank. The reliable Vastu experts recommend using materials like concrete or plastic. Avoid using metal tanks as they can interfere with the balance of energies.

Regular Maintenance

Regularly check the tank for any leaks or damages. A well-maintained tank ensures a continuous and smooth flow of water, which is vital for maintaining positive energy in the house. Clean the tank periodically to prevent any contamination.

Don’ts for Positioning Overhead Water Tanks

Check the following factors:

Avoid the Northeast Direction

The position of a water tank in Vastu plays an indispensable role in maintaining the positive energy flow within the space. Here, the Northeast direction is considered very auspicious in Vastu and is associated with the water element. However, placing an overhead water tank in this direction can lead to an imbalance of energy, causing financial and health issues. This area should be kept light & clutter-free.

Do Not Place in the Center

The centre of the house, known as the Brahmasthan, should be kept open and free from heavy objects. As per the Vastu Principles, placing a water tank in the centre can not only disrupt the energy flow but also lead to various problems. This area should remain clear to allow free movement of positive energy.

Avoid the South-East and North-West Directions

The Southeast direction is associated with the fire element, and placing a water tank here can lead to conflicts plus arguments within the household. Similarly, the Northwest direction is linked with the air element, and a water tank in this area can cause instability & financial losses. For more information, seek online Vastu consultations without any hassles. 

Do Not Use Iron or Metal Tanks

Using iron or metal tanks is not recommended as they can rust & contaminate the water. Additionally, metal can interfere with the balance of energies, leading to negative effects on health and harmony in the house.

Additional Tips for Overhead Water Tanks

The further tips that can help with the position of water tank as per Vastu: 

Use a Proper Cover

Ensure that the water tank is always covered to prevent dirt, debris, and insects from entering. A covered tank also symbolises protection and security, essential for a positive living environment.

Paint the Tank

The best Vastu consultant recommends painting your overhead water tank with light colours. Light colours are believed to reflect positive energy and help maintain a calm and peaceful environment. Avoid dark colours as they can absorb negative energy.

Check for Any Leaks

Water leaks from the tank can lead to financial losses and health issues. Regularly inspect the tank and its fittings for any leaks or damages. Timely repairs can prevent any negative effects on your home’s energy and ensure the efficient use of resources.

Keep the Area Clean

The area around the water tank should be kept clean and free of clutter. A clean environment promotes positive energy flow and prevents any blockages that could disrupt the harmony in your home.

Benefits of Following Vastu Guidelines

Enhanced Stability

By placing the overhead water tank in the recommended Southwest direction, you can enhance the stability and strength of your home. This placement helps in grounding the energy, leading to a more secure and stable environment.

Improved Health

In Vastu for overhead water tank, proper placement of the water tank can positively influence the health of the inhabitants. Avoiding areas like the Northeast and Southeast ensures that the water element does not interfere with the beneficial energies in your home, promoting overall well-being.

Financial Prosperity

Following Vastu principles for water tank placement can also have a positive impact on your finances. The South-West direction supports financial stability and growth, helping you achieve prosperity and abundance.

Peaceful Environment

By adhering to the right water tank placement, you can create a harmonious and peaceful living environment. The proper flow of energy ensures that your home remains a place of tranquillity and positive interactions.

Commonly Asked Questions: Overhead Water Tank Placement

Can I place the water tank on the roof?

Yes, placing the water tank on the roof is common and acceptable as long as it adheres to the Vastu guidelines regarding direction & support.

What if my house layout doesn’t allow for placement in the Southwest?

If the Southwest direction is not feasible due to structural constraints, go for online Vastu consultations to find alternative solutions. They can guide the best possible placement based on your particular circumstances.

How can I ensure the tank does not interfere with the aesthetics of my home?

Pick a tank that blends well with your home’s exterior design. You can also build an enclosure or use decorative elements to integrate the tank seamlessly into your overall aesthetic.

Are there any modern alternatives to traditional water tanks?

Of course yes, modern solutions like underground water tanks are available and can be considered if they align with Vastu principles. These tanks offer a discreet way to store water without impacting the visual appeal of your home.

Overall, positioning overhead water tanks according to Vastu Shastra can significantly enhance the positive energy flow in your home. By keeping all the above-mentioned information in mind, you can make sure that your water tank placement contributes to a harmonious & prosperous living environment. Regular maintenance and adherence to Vastu principles will help you make the most of this essential aspect of home design.